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Image by Austin Distel

Sales Leaders of Sydney

Welcome to the next generation of SaaS Sales Leaders


Welcome: Welcome
Laptop on the Beach

About Sydney Sales Leaders

Sydney Sales Leaders is an inclusive community of Sydney's most forward-thinking and innovative SaaS Sales Leaders. We are creating a network and community to gives SaaS Sales Leaders an opportunity to compare ideas, gain insight and receive mentorship from industry peers.


This event will be run on a quarterly face-to-face basis.

Welcome: About
Welcome: Testimonials
James Bergl Linkedin Profile.jpg

James Bergl

Welcome to the Sydney Sales Leaders Community. My names is James Bergl and I will be your host on the evening!


Our vision is to bring together like-minded sales leaders and provide a community, a network, education, industry trends & insights plus much more.


The community is designed to be interactive, supportive & a worthwhile investment of your time with a quarterly meet-up in person and supported by Linkedin.

We will create a collective and inclusive community focused on raising the bar around our own capabilities helping us to become globally recognised in our areas of expertise.




Who & Why

What You Need to know before registering

Image by Annie Spratt

Who Should Attend

Any SaaS sales leader that has a responsibility for a team revenue target.


From Team lead to CRO

From Start-up to Global


The content is designed to help sales leaders rather than sales contributors and is focused on those selling Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. 



Image by NeONBRAND

Why you should come

Learn from your industry peers about: 

- Sales management & leadership

- People Management

- Compensation

- Useful sales tools & softwares


Contribute to the learning of your peers



Format: Presentation, Panel, Round-table, Networking

Welcome: Services


14th April 2022

Arrival & networking

5.00pm - 5.30pm

Arrive, grab a drink, have a chat ready for a 5.30pm start

Australia & New Zealand Sales Trends 


Hear from Sales Extraodinnaire XXX about how Covid 19 has changed the sales landscape

Panel Discussion: Managing reps in the new world


Hear from 3 sales leaders on how they have adapted their management and leadership style coming into 2022

Group Round Table Discussion 

6.45pm- 7.30pm

In groups Discuss one of the following topics & present findings to group:
- Biggest Challenges
- People Management
- Creating Momentum
- Lead Generation

Networking & Drinks


Schedule Item Body

Welcome: Schedule
No events at the moment
Welcome: Event Details

Get in Touch

Sydney NSW, Australia

Welcome: Contact
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  • LinkedIn

©2022 by Sales Leaders of Sydney. Proudly created with

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